Prevention of prostatitis at home

Today we are talking about the prevention of prostatitis in men, what drugs and folk remedies can be used, vitamins and proper diet.

Briefly about the causes of the disease

Inflammation of the prostate or inflammation of the prostate gland can be caused by infectious and non-infectious factors.

In the first case, we are talking about bacteria and rarely viruses. In the second - stagnation of blood and secretions in the prostate.

Following the above, there will be two purposes for preventing prostatitis:

  1. Measures to prevent congestion within the prostate gland.
  2. Protection against infection.

Prevent stagnation

Prophylaxis of prostatitis involves a wide range of therapeutic and prophylactic measures that not only prevent prostatitis, but also improve a person’s quality of life, prolonging their life expectancy.

Consider four main sources of male sexual health:

  1. Lifestyle;
  2. Preventive drugs: herbal complexes and vitamins;
  3. Folk remedies;
  4. Exercise.


How we live, what we eat, and what we do has a direct impact on our health.

There are things that are hard to change, like where we live.

In a modern city, the air and environment are so dirty that they pose a direct threat to our health.

Therefore, the first step in preventing any disease is to move towards more favorable living conditions. Of course, this is also the most difficult moment.

If this seems impossible, you should strictly adhere to the additional foundations of a man’s health.

Sex is included here. No matter how you do it, the point is that your prostate is emptied regularly and at the same time you are not infected with anything.


Prevention of prostatitis and proper nutrition are inseparable.

How is nutrition related to the prostate? The prostate appears to be at the bottom of the body and the mouth and stomach higher.

Prostate health is affected by the body's water-salt balance, strength of blood flow, and the condition of the walls of blood vessels.

Food directly affects all of these and can improve and worsen prostate health.

The term 'healthy eating' refers to the consumption of foods of natural origin without the addition of artificially created additives (preservatives, colors, 'vegetable fats').

Keep in mind that this is not enough for a healthy diet. Unfortunately, what our taste buds like is often detrimental to the stomach.

We tend to eat spicy, salty and spicy foods, completely forgetting the taste of the food, without flavor enhancers. But the natural taste is pleasant.

For the health of the prostate and the whole body, you need to get used to eating lightly salted foods that do not contain or eat very small amounts of hot spices and pepper.

Forget about having mayonnaise, replacing it with vegetable oil. Forget fast food, burgers, nuggets.

More vegetables, more fruit, less fatty meat. And everything will be fine.

Ideal if you know roughly your daily calorie intake and adhere to this value when choosing the right foods. Then you will not be overweight and your body will stay young for a long time.

Water - Drink as much fluid as you want. To do this, put a glass of water on your desk or next to the seat.

You won't notice how quickly this glass empties. Remember how rarely you go for water? Paradox.

The water should be nearby, you will drink as much as you need. Otherwise, a sip will drink water much better than a bite. It has been proven that consuming a daily amount of water in several stages is much more difficult than taking a sip during the day.


In this case, we strengthen the immune system and increase blood flow to the body.

The effect of hardening on the prostate is very positive.

Stimulates internal blood circulation, eliminates stagnation inside the gland, increases mood.

Therefore, hardening is part of a healthy lifestyle.

Exercise and be active

Exercise is the key to a long and healthy life. The passage of blood through the body is a prerequisite for our well-being, it is the main condition for the prevention of prostatitis.

Blood stagnation and calorie accumulation cause fatigue and lethargy in most age-related illnesses, overweight, and the whole body.

A little later, we'll consider specific exercises for prostatitis, here are some general tips:

  • Walk every day! Someone says you have to walk at least 8km a day. We believe this is a lot and not everyone will master such a marathon. Therefore, we reduce this number by half. The point is to walk. If your leg hurts, you need to walk more. Better with special sticks.
  • Walk fast or run a few times a week.
  • Visit saunas and baths. Carefully and without fanaticism if doctors require it. All in good measure.
  • Keep in mind that it's not the number of kilometers you cover in a single day that matters, it's the regularity. Who got on - a beginner who was tired on the third day of the walk, or a man who walks the park at a fast pace every day?

Prophylactic medications

dietary supplements

Keep in mind that medications containing herbal ingredients or bovine prostate gland extracts are used for prevention.

The effect of such drugs is to stimulate the work of the human prostate, eliminate stagnation, and increase fluid secretion.

Preventive agents are available in the form of rectal suppositories, microcrystalline solutions and oral tablets.


Briefly note what vitamins are needed:

  • Vitamin A - prevention of prostate adenoma;
  • Vitamin D deficiency - Men over the age of 55 simply oblige them to take this supplement. Improves the functioning of the circulatory system, normalizes blood flow;
  • Vitamins E and K - reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

Such vitamins can not only prevent prostatitis, but can also cure a chronic abstraction process that has not yet begun.

Medications for inflammation of the prostate alone are not recommended.

These are not dietary supplements, so their use can adversely affect the body.

Please understand this and consult a urologist.

Folk remedies for prevention

folk remedies to prevent prostatitis

Traditional medicine is more suitable for the prevention of diseases and conditions.

Pumpkin seeds should be eaten raw every day. Enough 25-30 seeds a day half an hour before meals.

You can use it with honey: 500 grams of pumpkin seeds should be crushed and mixed with 200 grams of honey. The resulting porridge balls are twisted and eaten 1-2 balls a day. We recommend the solution.

Hazelnut bark and leaves - cook for 15-40 minutes (bark longer, leaves smaller), drink a glass of broth during the day on an empty stomach.

Chestnut peel can be brewed and drunk as a tea. The inside of the chestnuts must be cooked.

Elder juice can be drunk in a tablespoonful before a meal after drinking a glass of water.

Propolis and honey are excellent drugs to prevent prostatitis. Eat them with food.

Greens are considered very useful for prostate health: parsley, dill. Ginger root cooked in boiling water can be added to the tea in an amount of 1-2 teaspoons.

Massage and exercise


Before we talk about exercise, we note that transrectal prostate massage has a beneficial effect on prostate health. For prevention, such a massage for 2-3 minutes is sufficient.

To avoid suffering, buy a special prostate massager at sex salons or pharmacies. Or visit the specialist who is best for your massage regularly, once a month.


Prostate health requires special exercises. There is a Kegel complex designed to contract the inner muscles of the pelvis.

This complex is more often used by men to prolong sexual intercourse than to prevent the prostate.

The point is simple: you need to force and relax your perineum muscles up to 30-45 times in a series.

Excessive enthusiasm can lead to rectal prolapse, unwanted bowel movements, and the appearance of an inguinal hernia.

exercises to prevent prostatitis

The following is a list of exercises that use the inner pelvic floor muscles:

  1. Stand with your legs and arms on your sides. Try to breathe so that the pelvis retracts and is tense during inhalation. Relax as you exhale. Repeat this exercise 10-15 times slowly and without twitching.
  2. Lie on the floor with your back, legs, hands lying on the floor at the bottom of your back. Raise your legs 10-15 times perpendicular to the floor and lower back. The exercise is done smoothly and without jerking.
  3. Stand in a "hand-lying" position as with the recliners, raise the pool as high as possible, and then lower it to the floor. Repeat 10-15 times. This practice is practiced by yogis to open the sex chakra and stimulate masculine power.
  4. Stand with your arms loosely around your hips. Imagine you really want to use a toilet, but you have to endure it for a long time. Tense up as if you want to keep everything to yourself. Relax. It is a complex analogue of Kegel.

Infection protection

This preventive measure is aimed at the prevention and spread of diseases, in particular sexually transmitted diseases.

is ​​a sexually transmitted disease involving a number of diseases, the majority of which is transmitted through the mucous membranes of the genitals, from one person to another.

In such cases, the inflammatory process is caused by bacteria and viruses that carry on a purely parasitic lifestyle in the host cells.

Together with prostatitis, these microorganisms cause infertility in men and women, inflammation of the upper and lower urinary tract, and separate "floors" of the reproductive system.

Follow these guidelines to avoid STDs:

  • Protected sex, careful choice of sexual partner. Avoid violent sex, don’t be like animals. Such joy can end your future life.
  • Before establishing a close relationship, you and your partner should test for STDs. This is a valuable investment that will protect you from unknown infections and give you confidence in your relationship.
  • Infection can be acquired not only by the classic methods of sex, but also by all other methods. Harmless fun at first glance - oral sex can lead to sexual illness for a man if a woman practices things like that with other partners. The oral mucosa is an excellent carrier for the microbial agent.
  • If you have unprotected sex (whatever it is), use genital antiseptics, carefully treating the mucous membranes of the penis and adjacent skin areas, and pouring the drug into the urethra for a few minutes. This does not guarantee safety, but the risk of the disease is reduced several times.

Thus, attention to sex, selectivity, and loyalty guarantees men’s sexual health.

Preventing prostatitis is the key to a man's health. Everyone knows that this is self-confidence and a good mood, a lack of inferiority complex. Long and happy life.

Prostatitis is not easy to avoid, but it is possible. How you spend your old age is up to you. If you are inattentive to your body, lead a bad lifestyle, old age will come to you when you are 30 years old.